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Lord Howe Island by Latent C
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Latent C
Mt Lidgbird and Mt Gower, Lord Howe Island
Latent C
Aerial roots of a Banyan Tree
Latent C
On the way to The Valley of The Shadows
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Valley of The Shadows
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Valley of The Shadows
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Lenticular cloud over Mt Lidgbird
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Sunset over The Lagoon
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Fairy Tern nesting
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The Island Trader
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Sunset over Old Settlement Beach
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Sunset over Old Settlement Beach
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Sunset over Old Settlement Beach
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The Lagoon
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Crayfish shedding its shell
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The Ring
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Erscott's Hole
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Ned's Beach
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The Wreck in North Bay
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White mouthed eel
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Galapagos shark
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Comet's Hole
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The Lagoon
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The Lagoon
Latent C
Dotted Sweetlips at a cleaner station
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Dotted Sweetlips and Cleaner Wrasse
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Stars and Stripes Toadfish
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Green Turtle, Sylph's Hole
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Lionfish, Sylph's Hole
Latent C
Juvenile Boxfish
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