Latent0Image: Andromeda Galaxy -- M31 (10 Second, Hand Tracked Exposure Stack)
Latent0Image: The Orion Nebula and Geostationary Satellites (1.3 Second, Unguided Exposure Stack)
Latent0Image: The Orion Nebula -- M42
Latent0Image: Meteor and Flame in Orion's Belt
Latent0Image: The Dumbbell Nebula
Latent0Image: The California Nebula and the Pleiades
Latent0Image: The Ring Nebula
Latent0Image: Orion's Belt and the Great Nebula in Orion
Latent0Image: North America Nebula
Latent0Image: Andromeda Galaxy
Latent0Image: Cygnus the Swan
Latent0Image: Milky Way Star Field
Latent0Image: LA Lights in the Night Sky
Latent0Image: Late Twilight in the High Desert
Latent0Image: Center of Our Galaxy
Latent0Image: The Sickle Asterism In The Constellation Leo The Lion (4 Second, Unguided Exposure Stack)
Latent0Image: The Constellation Leo The Lion And NGC 2903 (4 Second, Unguided Exposure Stack)
Latent0Image: Mars and the M96 Group of Galaxies (5 Second, Untracked Exposure Stack)
Latent0Image: Mars in the Constellation Leo the Lion
Latent0Image: Triangulum Galaxy -- M33 (25 Second, Hand-Guided Exposure Stack)
Latent0Image: The Milky Way From Sagittarius to Aquila
Latent0Image: The Orion Nebula -- M42 (1/3 Second, Unguided and Untracked Exposure Stack)
Latent0Image: Quadrantid Meteor Near Ursa Major
Latent0Image: Our Moon, Jupiter and Its Galilean Moons, The Orion Nebula, and The Pleiades
Latent0Image: M103, NGC663, and NGC659 -- Open Star Clusters in Cassiopeia
Latent0Image: Wide-Field View of the Leo Triplet of Galaxies (10 Second, Hand Tracked Exposure Stack)
Latent0Image: The Leo Triplet of Galaxies, Plus NGC 3596, NGC 3593, and NGC 3666
Latent0Image: The Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) and NGC 5474, Plus NGC 5477, NGC 5422, NGC 5485, and NGC 5473
Latent0Image: Near-Earth Asteroid Eros and the Planet Mars
Latent0Image: Comet Garradd and M92