nyc dreamer: Along the Red Hook waterfront.....
nyc dreamer: Clang, clang, clang went the trolley....
nyc dreamer: A bus got in the way!
nyc dreamer: The Kellogs Diner.
nyc dreamer: Meanwhile, back down on the streets.....
nyc dreamer: A time for personal achievement.
nyc dreamer: eAt fruiT aNd Die!
nyc dreamer: Tar beach - grit, rust, the harsh, mid-afternoon sun, and..... hey, who stole the tar?
nyc dreamer: Welcome to Coney Island.....
nyc dreamer: Burlesque at the Beach....
nyc dreamer: "She walks, she talks, she slizzers on her belly like a reptile!"
nyc dreamer: The snake charmer without her python.
nyc dreamer: The sword swallower without her sword.
nyc dreamer: The storefront churches.....
nyc dreamer: They say you can never go back.....
nyc dreamer: Red Hots! Get Your Red Hots Here!