pedro lastra: Happy to get lunch. Halloween Pennant Dragonfly (Celithemis eponina), Green Cay Nature Preserve, Delray Beach, FL.
pedro lastra: Bobcat Kitten, Green Cay Wetlands. Olympus OM system OM-1 Camera Test.
pedro lastra: Cattle Egret in breeding plumage, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: Colonial beauty surrounded by modernity. Old State House and site of the Boston Massacre, Boston.
pedro lastra: Heliconius Butterfly.
pedro lastra: Catedral, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia.
pedro lastra: Waterlily sunrise EXPLORED
pedro lastra: All Smiles, Tree Frog at Wakodahatchee Wetlands. These frogs are tiny, about 1.5 inches.
pedro lastra: Old State House, Boston, MA.
pedro lastra: Heliconius Butterfly.
pedro lastra: Green Darner Dragonfly (Anax junius) in flight at Fort de Soto.
pedro lastra: "Do you mind not taking pictures of my derriere?" Jesus Christ Lizard, Common basilisk (Basiliscus basiliscus), Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Juvenile Ruby Throated Hummingbird -Colibri Garganta Rubi - (Archilochus colubris) in flight at Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Juvenile Ruby Throated Hummingbird in flight nectaring on Firebush Flowers at Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Ruby Throated Hummingbird nectaring on firebush flowers at Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Common you say? I beg to differ! Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) flying in the forest at Green Cay Nature Preserve.