pedro lastra: Bobcat, Red Lynx -Lynx rufus- Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Green Heron on the prowl, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: American White Ibis, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Female Mottled Duck, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Juvenile TriColored Heron with Blue Dasher Dragonfly for a snack. Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Red Winged Black Bird, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Great Blue Heron with Nesting Materials, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: Roseate Spoonbill, Alligator Farm, St Augustine.
pedro lastra: Fire Bush or Shrimp flowers? What do I drink next? Ruby Throated Hummingbird, Archilochus Colubris, Castellow Hammock Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Juvenile Ruby Throated Hummingbird, Archilochus Colubris, Castellow Hammock Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Ruby Throated Hummingbird, Archilochus Colubris, Castellow Hammock Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Full Moon, Oct 21.
pedro lastra: TriColored Heron Fishing, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: A beautiful mother. Bobcat, Red Lynx -Lynx rufus-, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: RedShouldered Hawk, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Blue Winged Teals over the wetland, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: TriColored Heron Fishing, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Green Heron, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: Grey-headed swamphen, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: Female Common Yellowthroat Warbler, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: TriColored Heron, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: Female Red Bellied Woodpecker, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Palm Warbler, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: Female Common yellowthroat warbler, Geothlypis trichas, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: On a rainy day at the swamp. Female Anhinga shakes off the rain, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: Palm Warbler, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: Osprey over the wetland. Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Female Bobcat, Red Lynx -Lynx rufus- Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Juvenile Tricolored Heron at Sunrise, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
pedro lastra: Female Anhinga Portrait, Green Cay Nature Preserve.