La Signora Ford: W learns to drink from a fountain
La Signora Ford: At the Museum for Civilization in Gatineau
La Signora Ford: Parliament from Gatineau side
La Signora Ford: driving the "Indian" bus
La Signora Ford: In the children's museum
La Signora Ford: I think I want to learn how to do this
La Signora Ford: This mini is just the right size
La Signora Ford: liking the motor bike
La Signora Ford: not sure about this pony
La Signora Ford: W on the canal
La Signora Ford: view from our hotel room
La Signora Ford: big dragon ice sculpture
La Signora Ford: ice sculpture for Winterlude
La Signora Ford: W in the stroller at the canal
La Signora Ford: Family out for a skate on the canal