Paula Orduña Photography:
Graffiti de pez y gusano / Fish and worm graffiti
Paula Orduña Photography:
Graffiti de un gato en Oldenburg / Cat graffiti in Oldenburg
Paula Orduña Photography:
Contraluz / Backlighting
Paula Orduña Photography:
Inspiración / Inspiration
Paula Orduña Photography:
En el bosque / In the forest
Paula Orduña Photography:
Amanecer en el bosque / Sunrise in the forest
Paula Orduña Photography:
Amanecer en una gota / Sunrise on a drop
Paula Orduña Photography:
Otoño en el bosque / Autum in the forest
Paula Orduña Photography:
¿Realidad o reflejo? / Reality or reflection?
Paula Orduña Photography:
Schloßplatz, Oldenburg
Paula Orduña Photography:
No todo es marrón en otoño / Not everything is brown in autum
Paula Orduña Photography:
El arcoiris no está sólo en el cielo / Rainbow is not only in the sky
Paula Orduña Photography:
Preparando la navidad / Preparing Christmas
Paula Orduña Photography:
De camino a casa / On the way home
Paula Orduña Photography:
Olor a libertad / Smell of freedom
Paula Orduña Photography:
Rainy day
Paula Orduña Photography:
El gato ha estado aquí / The cat was here
Paula Orduña Photography:
Simplemente nieve / Just snow
Paula Orduña Photography:
Paula Orduña Photography:
Luces de navidad / Christmas lights
Paula Orduña Photography:
Light in the dark
Paula Orduña Photography:
Paula Orduña Photography:
Ovejas en el cielo / Sheeps in the sky
Paula Orduña Photography:
Christmas candy
Paula Orduña Photography:
Luces de navidad / Christmas lights
Paula Orduña Photography:
Girando / Spinning