lasertotheface: jones street boys
lasertotheface: coney island!
lasertotheface: the best ferris wheel ever
lasertotheface: mini swings
lasertotheface: personal reflection
lasertotheface: and waiting
lasertotheface: and waiiting
lasertotheface: and crouching
lasertotheface: and thinking
lasertotheface: damn you ft. hamilton!
lasertotheface: happy train
lasertotheface: subway excitement
lasertotheface: our average speed
lasertotheface: sweaty gang
lasertotheface: a sighting!
lasertotheface: group gang photo
lasertotheface: baseball furies
lasertotheface: satans mothers
lasertotheface: eliminators
lasertotheface: ghetto blaster
lasertotheface: A squad and B squad unite
lasertotheface: brooklyn train stop
lasertotheface: the best shirts
lasertotheface: matching colors
lasertotheface: the days start