laserpants: shriner shriner pants on fire
laserpants: I couldn't get closer, there were bees
laserpants: yikes
laserpants: blue is the color
laserpants: that was cement or something
laserpants: patrol
laserpants: creepazoid
laserpants: threes
laserpants: crackhouse crowd
laserpants: child pornography
laserpants: child pornography
laserpants: beasts
laserpants: faces
laserpants: sun and the lake
laserpants: we got in trouble
laserpants: A, Old San Juan
laserpants: Big Wheel Front
laserpants: Big Wheel Back
laserpants: West Indies
laserpants: PR Sunset
laserpants: Arid Forest, PR
laserpants: Me by the Rocks
laserpants: A on the Rocks
laserpants: Cabo Rojo A