larsling: Absolicon Solar Thermal Energy park installation Härnösand Sweden
larsling: Absolicon Solar Energy park installation Härnösand Sweden
larsling: Absolicon Solar Thermal unit ready for the U.S.
larsling: Hospital roof - Absolicon
larsling: Great view of piping for the heat and cabling
larsling: Brian (Flexera) & Joakim (Absolicon
larsling: Piping for heat from Absolicon SolarThermal goes down into ground and house
larsling: Sundsvall City hall - Business Agency welcomed Brian from Flexera to Sundsvall and Sweden
larsling: Trendy....these days....the colors...
larsling: Absolicon - SolarThermal / PV - Cooling at Hospital roof Härnösand Sweden
larsling: Tracking and steering devices.....Absolicion Center of Excellence
larsling: Sun is shining on Absolicon solar collectors at Hospital roof Härnösand Sweden
larsling: Ready for U.S. Brian & Joakim happy
larsling: Härnösand bay - view from Hospital roof...
larsling: Absolicon SolarThermal collector center of excellence
larsling: Absolicon SolarThermal - Collector Control - steering panels inside the swimming hall
larsling: Absolicon SolarThermal Installation of excellence
larsling: Technical research center Härnösand
larsling: Absolicon SolarThermal unit for U.S.
larsling: Visit Logosol - Family Byströms company exporting to over 57 countries
larsling: Roof mount - Absolicon Hospital Härnösand Sweden
larsling: HEMAB - Absolicon SolarEnergy Park Härnösand
larsling: Inspection Absolicon Solar Energy Park - Härnösand HEMAB
larsling: View from Logosol over Härnösand pellets factory and power plant
larsling: Technical discussions about SolarThermal installations
larsling: Installation documentation for the U.S. market
larsling: Absolicon SolarThermal 2m unit ready to be shipped to the U.S.
larsling: Absolicon SolarThermal heat piping integration into Swimming hall system
larsling: Ready for the U.S. market...
larsling: Algae farm - neighbor to Energy park...