larsling: Boermans...
larsling: Rumpan Ecovillage from the top
larsling: Erwin Boermans from Anders Boathouse
larsling: Great meeting you
larsling: thick walls 450mm
larsling: Great meeting you here in Rumpan
larsling: Swedish Fika with muffins and superb weather
larsling: Zero Energy house build of recycled glass
larsling: Solar heat comes down
larsling: Great view
larsling: Interview - video to showcase the best solutions in the world
larsling: Healthy and fresh drinks
larsling: Video production comfortiD about levande filter
larsling: Thumbs up, thanks Anders having us
larsling: Right now the input is...
larsling: Erwin tells Åke about his first Sustainability project in Holland
larsling: Boermans in Hedbergska house Sundsvall
larsling: Boermans in Sundsvall at airport
larsling: Erwin loves solar
larsling: Thank you
larsling: The engine room
larsling: Absolicon Solar energy park
larsling: Great kitchen view
larsling: Thick walls in kitchen
larsling: Freezer close to engine room
larsling: Great lunch Erwin and Shakrar owner of BMi Body in Motion
larsling: Interview and video production to tell stories about great solutions for the world and australia
larsling: piping central to floor heating
larsling: Welcome to our humble home
larsling: Thank you Å Australia