Larry's Photography: fishing underneath the bridge
Larry's Photography: the light on the inside
Larry's Photography: whistling duck and pink oleanders
Larry's Photography: cumcumber bug
Larry's Photography: Worshipping the Sun
Larry's Photography: Don't ask me!
Larry's Photography: Thirsty bees getting a drink
Larry's Photography: Swallowtail
Larry's Photography: weird looking eyes
Larry's Photography: Through the eyes of a grasshopper
Larry's Photography: Queen Butterfly Tree
Larry's Photography: Get down on my level
Larry's Photography: butterfly lesson 101
Larry's Photography: Male Danaus Gilippus
Larry's Photography: water lily pink
Larry's Photography: Swallowtail
Larry's Photography: b&w_texture
Larry's Photography: First come First serve
Larry's Photography: indirect light
Larry's Photography: Just another dragonfly