larrysphatpage: Exchanging lineup cards pre-game
larrysphatpage: First pitch
larrysphatpage: The end of a 1-2-3 first inning
larrysphatpage: Ring 'em up
larrysphatpage: Nikki Nemitz
larrysphatpage: Home run celebration
larrysphatpage: Lets Go Blue!
larrysphatpage: Demonstrating the "slapping" technique
larrysphatpage: Dorian Shaw at the plate
larrysphatpage: Good eye
larrysphatpage: Chin music
larrysphatpage: Alumni Band
larrysphatpage: Molly Bausher
larrysphatpage: Bree Evans
larrysphatpage: Bausher: "****!"
larrysphatpage: Stare her down, Nikki
larrysphatpage: Angela Findlay
larrysphatpage: Crazy Superfans
larrysphatpage: Halfway home
larrysphatpage: Maggie Viefhaus at bat
larrysphatpage: Not so lucky this time
larrysphatpage: Kiss this one goodbye
larrysphatpage: Kirkpatrick fouls it off
larrysphatpage: Jenny Isham
larrysphatpage: ESPN's camera position
larrysphatpage: Dorian Shaw
larrysphatpage: Stephanie Kirkpatrick
larrysphatpage: "Whose house? Viefhaus!"
larrysphatpage: Teddi Ewing
larrysphatpage: The Michigan dugout