larrypetTO: Spring in Toronto
larrypetTO: Singing the Song
larrypetTO: Nest building on Humber Bay
larrypetTO: Coming out of the nest
larrypetTO: Redneck search
larrypetTO: Invasive in MO
larrypetTO: Who's the king of the tree?
larrypetTO: Vultures at the entrance
larrypetTO: Solitary in MO
larrypetTO: Another Solitary Pose
larrypetTO: Baby Pied
larrypetTO: Cliff Posing 1
larrypetTO: Which way did they go?
larrypetTO: Went that-a-way
larrypetTO: Lots of Swallows
larrypetTO: Looking for food
larrypetTO: Baby in the bushes
larrypetTO: Egret in the Valley
larrypetTO: Indigo singing at a distance
larrypetTO: Colour not so much clarity
larrypetTO: Egret in the Lilies
larrypetTO: Grackle Look
larrypetTO: A little closer to the lilies
larrypetTO: Looking for food
larrypetTO: Molting isn't easy
larrypetTO: Food?
larrypetTO: Twinkle in the eye
larrypetTO: Hermit in Vancouver
larrypetTO: Tree heron in BC
larrypetTO: Digging in the mud at Jericho