larrypetTO: Verdin in Nevada feathering nest
larrypetTO: Verdin do feather their nests
larrypetTO: Costa's Hummingbird Female
larrypetTO: Male Costa's Hummingbird
larrypetTO: Black Phoebe resting for a second
larrypetTO: Greater Yellowlegs in Nevada
larrypetTO: Black-tailed Gnatcatcher with Gnat
larrypetTO: Green-winged Teal in the desert
larrypetTO: Cinnamon Teal twice
larrypetTO: White-faced Ibis in Las Vegas
larrypetTO: White-faced Ibis in Las Vegas
larrypetTO: Redhead in the Desert
larrypetTO: Gambel's Quail run and peck in the desert
larrypetTO: Gambel's Quail run and peck in the desert
larrypetTO: Water sitter
larrypetTO: Male Northern Shoveler on a Rock
larrypetTO: Eared Grebe from a distance
larrypetTO: Pintail in NV