larrypetTO: Sandhill Cranes: Adult and Colt
larrypetTO: Hiding in the reeds on a hot hazy day
larrypetTO: Colt in the weeds
larrypetTO: Small flock of Grey Catbirds at Grass Lake
larrypetTO: Unusual Humming Bird Visitor
larrypetTO: Visiting on the way south
larrypetTO: Northern Parula heading South
larrypetTO: Merganser move
larrypetTO: A Windy Day in Hamilton Harbor
larrypetTO: White crowned sparrow as part of a flock
larrypetTO: Bringing the kids south
larrypetTO: White crowned looking for food
larrypetTO: sitting on the gutter, staring at the feeder
larrypetTO: Morning Fall Eastern Bluebird
larrypetTO: Kansas Cardinal
larrypetTO: European rooftop meeting at the Residence Inn
larrypetTO: Kansas Junco
larrypetTO: Praying for warm weather
larrypetTO: one of these is not like the others
larrypetTO: Coot Race the Winner
larrypetTO: Coot race also-rans, lots of them
larrypetTO: Egret Conversation in the Weeds in MO
larrypetTO: Flicker hiding in the Kansas Woods
larrypetTO: You like my collar?
larrypetTO: Hawk eye in Kansas
larrypetTO: Coot with a bad foot
larrypetTO: Canada Geese at Hamilton Harbour
larrypetTO: Crane Shut Eye while Colt eats
larrypetTO: American Black Duck in Toronto
larrypetTO: Herring Gull Close-UP