larrypetTO: Father's Day Black Crowned and Kids
larrypetTO: Night Heron Trio in Toronto
larrypetTO: Green Heron in TO Park
larrypetTO: Green Heron in Toronto
larrypetTO: Hungry Grebe
larrypetTO: Feeding JR on the fly
larrypetTO: Alder or Willow Flycatcher
larrypetTO: Alder or Willow Flycatcher
larrypetTO: Preening and Posing Yellow Warbler
larrypetTO: Tree Swallow at Home
larrypetTO: Love the red at the feeder
larrypetTO: Starling View
larrypetTO: Goldfinch Looking
larrypetTO: Egret and Yellowlegs in Whitby
larrypetTO: So many Cedar Waxwings high in the trees
larrypetTO: Garden Visitors
larrypetTO: Merlin looking for migrating shore birds
larrypetTO: Tongue on Suet
larrypetTO: You found me
larrypetTO: Least Bittern on the move
larrypetTO: Least Snacking
larrypetTO: Morning Chickadee
larrypetTO: female common green darner
larrypetTO: Heading South
larrypetTO: Milkweed and bugs
larrypetTO: Cloudy Day Coot
larrypetTO: Coots in the Rushes
larrypetTO: Streams of Coots in Missouri
larrypetTO: Two coots on a log
larrypetTO: Long Tailed Grackle Blowing in Wind