larrypetTO: back to feeder reality
larrypetTO: Brown Brown Thrasher from GA
larrypetTO: Blackbird hulk
larrypetTO: Northern Flicker grubbing
larrypetTO: Barn Swallow looking for a barn
larrypetTO: Warbling Vireo in TO after long flight
larrypetTO: Yellow Rumped Warbler in TO
larrypetTO: Yellow Warbler belting a song in TO
larrypetTO: Hatchling Cardinal
larrypetTO: Another yellow warbler in TO
larrypetTO: Chestnut sided warbler in the bush
larrypetTO: Great Crested Flycatcher
larrypetTO: Alder Flycatcher
larrypetTO: Mother Killdeer protecting 3 eggs
larrypetTO: Killdeer on the nest in the garden
larrypetTO: Cliff Swallow gathering mud
larrypetTO: Evening finch
larrypetTO: Redneck Grebe and Chick
larrypetTO: Redneck Grebe Chicks learning to swim
larrypetTO: Rednecked Grebe chick checking out the world
larrypetTO: Rednecked Grebe getting breakfast for the kids
larrypetTO: Rednecked Grebe baby eating
larrypetTO: Juvi Tree Swallow letting it out in a tree