LarrynJill: Devil's Lake North Dakota on the Peterson Farm (turkeys) Shannon and Randy are Margaret's sister, Betty's kids
LarrynJill: Visiting relative- Randy, Larry, Shannon, Terry, Roger, Betty(just a peek) Patty, Ralph, Margaret
LarrynJill: Christmas with N.D. relatives Randy, Santa (Harold Miller) Terry, Shannon, Larry, Steve
LarrynJill: Building the garage at 969 Lathrop, Hermiston, Or
LarrynJill: Vernon Liedtke's death announcement; circus performer
LarrynJill: Vernon Liedtke and Kids
LarrynJill: Vernon and Kids
LarrynJill: Pat, Aunt Pat, Larry, Terry, Margaret
LarrynJill: Hermiston Christmas 1957 or 58
LarrynJill: Grantie and Adolf Liedtke 1946
LarrynJill: Margaret and Patty 1945
LarrynJill: Living in Bakersfield, Ca. 1945
LarrynJill: Roger (rt) in the Army in WWII
LarrynJill: Liedtke313
LarrynJill: This is Aunt Georganna, Mervin's wife, Roger's brother
LarrynJill: Ship which carried Roger back to US after WWII
LarrynJill: Center is Vernon's wife and daugther
LarrynJill: Margaret and Patty, 1945
LarrynJill: Vernon with his sway pole equipment
LarrynJill: Patty, Grantie, Larry 1949
LarrynJill: My uncle Mervin, Pilot WWII, Music Teacher in Klamath Falls, Oregon
LarrynJill: Vernon's Kids
LarrynJill: Roger and Friend in ND 1940
LarrynJill: Me at a couple of months old
LarrynJill: Norma and Dixie, Vernon's daughters
LarrynJill: My father working as a circus clown in 1939
LarrynJill: Roger in WWII uniform, Vernon's oldest daughter, Norma
LarrynJill: Liedtke clan in WWII
LarrynJill: Terry and Larry circa 1954