larrybobsf: Larry-bob at the Manic D Press table at the 2010 New Orleans Bookfair
larrybobsf: Larry-bob reads The International Homosexual Conspiracy at Quimby's in Chicago
larrybobsf: Larry-bob reads The International Homosexual Conspiracy at Quimby's in Chicago
larrybobsf: Larry-bob reads from The International Homosexual Conspiracy at Tool Shed Toys in Milwaukee
larrybobsf: Bill from Consortium and Larry-bob at the Twin Cities Book Festival
larrybobsf: Jack Curtis Dubowsky and Larry-bob at Common Good Books in St. Paul
larrybobsf: Coming Out Week at St. Olaf
larrybobsf: StoSecret Project description at St. Olaf
larrybobsf: StoSecret at St. Olaf
larrybobsf: StoSecret at St. Olaf
larrybobsf: St. Olaf coming out week display
larrybobsf: Larry-bob at Books Inc Castro with the International Homosexual Conspiracy display
larrybobsf: Larry-bob reading from The International Homosexual Conspiracy at Books Inc Castro
larrybobsf: Larry-bob reading from The International Homosexual Conspiracy at Books Inc Castro
larrybobsf: Larry-bob Roberts reading at Modern Times Books