LarryB: Day 175 - Was looking forward to the gym...
LarryB: Day 174 - Re-did Strengthsfinder
LarryB: Day 173 - Waiting for the Edmonds-Kingston Ferry.
LarryB: Day 173 Alt - Unintended photo on the ferry ramp
LarryB: Day 173 Alt - On the ferry, headed home
LarryB: Day 172 - I've been using the bike recently
LarryB: Day 171 - Another last minute photo.
LarryB: Day 169 - Slightly Noir
LarryB: Day 168 - Another last minute photo - now off to bed
LarryB: Day 167 - Hugo owns me
LarryB: Day 166 - In the dark
LarryB: Day 165 At Benaroya Hall for Strauss, Schoenberg and Brahms
LarryB: Day 164 - Utterly and totally exhausted
LarryB: Day 163 - A favorite hat
LarryB: Day 162 - Me in our slightly cluttered apartment
LarryB: Day 161 - A last minute shot, taken against the black granite countertop
LarryB: Day 160 - Hugo is a very special kitty.
LarryB: Day 159 - In the kitchen
LarryB: Day 158 - On the deck at night
LarryB: Day 157 - Why I love my Neighborhood
LarryB: Day 157 ALT - Strolling past the substation
LarryB: Day 156 - Last Minute Photo
LarryB: Day 155 - Another Last Minute Photo
LarryB: Day 154 - On the Porch
LarryB: Day 153 - Just a quick glass of water after a busy day.
LarryB: Day 152 - Me, Rupert, and his little pink belly.
LarryB: Day 151- Last-minute cleanup. Gotta get that schmutz off the stove so I can sleep.
LarryB: Day 150 - Man, am I tired.
LarryB: Day 149 - Another last-minute photo
LarryB: Day 148 - Unbalanceable. Or, why I have blue frames.