LarryB: Day 50 - Drinks at the Westin
LarryB: Day 40 - Messing with the new Gorillapod
LarryB: Day 42 - End-of-Week Martini
LarryB: 60 Watt Wine
LarryB: America's Test Kitchen, Flickr and a Martini in a Wine Glass
LarryB: Day 56 - Nothing Says "Tough" Like a Drinking Straw
LarryB: Day 74 - The First Avatar of the Season.
LarryB: Day 72 - Me @ CVG
LarryB: Day 96 - "...and a nice Chianti."
LarryB: Looking at You
LarryB: Day 134 - Pacific Maritime Ale, A Good Thing
LarryB: Red-faced at the Jolly Roger
LarryB: Day 91 - Avatar Jasmine IPA and the Feet are UP!
LarryB: Hendrick's Martinis for Two
LarryB: Day 176 - Wine
LarryB: Day 178 - White Balance Priorities
LarryB: Day 196 - When in Bavaria...
LarryB: My drink is rated NC-17
LarryB: Day 269 - At DTW drinking weird lemony beer
LarryB: Day 198 - Time for One More Weissbier
LarryB: Day 174 - Me and a cold pint of Mannys
LarryB: Big Beer
LarryB: 28:365 Lightroom Drove Me to Drink
LarryB: 60:365 Some wine before dinner
LarryB: 122:365 Mai Tai @ Racha
LarryB: Day 5 - A Manhattan in Seattle
LarryB: Day 18 - Drink at dinner, after a movie with friends
LarryB: Day 47 - Watching delayed hockey, drinking whiskey
LarryB: Day 65 - I plead guilty to over-processing
LarryB: Day 82 - Post-dinner libation