Larry Daugherty: This is MY limb!!!!!!.............D800
Larry Daugherty: Not another camera! I'm getting out of here!....D800
Larry Daugherty: A Pink Beauty!!!!!!............D800
Larry Daugherty: Two birds meet..... :-)......D800
Larry Daugherty: This is my tree!!!!.......D700
Larry Daugherty: Spoonbill at nesting time.........D700
Larry Daugherty: Spoonbill coming in for landing........D800
Larry Daugherty: Spoonbill in south central Louisiana.......
Larry Daugherty: Spoonbill up close...............D700
Larry Daugherty: Just passing by......D800
Larry Daugherty: A spoonbill flies by up close......D800
Larry Daugherty: A spoonbill up close!......D800
Larry Daugherty: Time to go get lunch!!!!.............D700
Larry Daugherty: Get out of my way! I'm landing!..............D800
Larry Daugherty: A spoonbill surveys the south central Louisiana sky...... D800
Larry Daugherty: Spoonie Fly By........D800
Larry Daugherty: This is my best side!......D800
Larry Daugherty: Nest building time......D700
Larry Daugherty: Out on a limb.....:-)......D700
Larry Daugherty: Two roseate spoonbills formation flying! :-)....D800
Larry Daugherty: Cruising by.......D800
Larry Daugherty: .....another stick!.....D700
Larry Daugherty: Close call......D800
Larry Daugherty: Five Babies.......D800
Larry Daugherty: Get out of here...this is my tree!!! .....D800
Larry Daugherty: Roseate spoonbill in flight......D800
Larry Daugherty: A south central Louisiana roseate spoonbill...D700
Larry Daugherty: A south central Louisiana spoonbill...D700
Larry Daugherty: Another quest.......
Larry Daugherty: Roseate Spoonbill at Jefferson Island....