Larry Daugherty: The Ballet Dancer! .....Where there is fire...there is SMOKE! .......D800
Larry Daugherty: Lady with Big Hair! :-)...............D800
Larry Daugherty: The Torch...D800
Larry Daugherty: Goddess of Fire and Smoke! .......... :-).........D800
Larry Daugherty: 'I am alive....and I live in the smoke!' ......D800
Larry Daugherty: Have a Happy Halloween!!!......D800
Larry Daugherty: A fire breathing green tornado......or..... something like that! :-).......D800
Larry Daugherty: Two Dancers...............D800
Larry Daugherty: Sheer Silk in Red and Black.....D800
Larry Daugherty: My version of a new BIC lighter!.........D800
Larry Daugherty: What do you see?..........D800
Larry Daugherty: Blue and red on black.......D800
Larry Daugherty: Blue on Black.........D800
Larry Daugherty: Incense smoke in Black and White.......D800
Larry Daugherty: Incense smoke image on black...........D800
Larry Daugherty: When peace and calm meet sudden chaos!!! .......D800
Larry Daugherty: Green and Red on Black.........D800
Larry Daugherty: Red on Black.........D800