ldears: Bighorn Ram-Front-022
ldears: Bighorn Profile-011
ldears: Bighorn Profile-008
ldears: Band of Bulls
ldears: Badger Front
ldears: Antelope Close-up_002
ldears: ringneck-014
ldears: Whitetail Buck Velvet-007
ldears: Short Eared-003
ldears: Young Blue Grouse-003
ldears: Red-Winged BB-027
ldears: Ram Grazing
ldears: Pronking Cow--003
ldears: Pika
ldears: Park Goose
ldears: Mother and calf
ldears: Green Bee on Sunflower_1
ldears: bull-damaged antler-bird
ldears: Great Horned-Young-4
ldears: Grasshopper on Arrrowroot
ldears: Glovers Moth_022
ldears: Glovers Moth-015
ldears: Glacier Grizzly Sow-030
ldears: Glacier Bighorn-face
ldears: Crab Spider on Pansy_004
ldears: Crab Spider on Pansy_002
ldears: Clark Fork Eagle-006
ldears: Clark Fork Eagle-001
ldears: Bull and Missions
ldears: Bull and Herd-001