Larra Jungle Princess: The start of our walk.
Larra Jungle Princess: My walking buddies in an outfits that will later suit their shopping intention. lol
Larra Jungle Princess: A group of school children on their guided walk
Larra Jungle Princess: Phyliagathis rotundiolia
Larra Jungle Princess: Phyliagathis rotundiolia
Larra Jungle Princess: Tactaria singaporensis
Larra Jungle Princess: Scindapsus pivtus
Larra Jungle Princess: It would be nice to be at the top of this tree! :)
Larra Jungle Princess: Jelutong Trail map
Larra Jungle Princess: Completed Jelutong Trail.
Larra Jungle Princess: WE just completed Jelutong Trail
Larra Jungle Princess: Bamboo Walk.
Larra Jungle Princess: WE are now entering a bamboo walk.