larkken: Terra Cotta Warriors exhibit entrance
larkken: Reproduction of the Terra Cotta Archer
larkken: CIMG2935
larkken: Reproduction of the General Figure
larkken: Poor Coyote
larkken: Dinosaurs from above
larkken: Stuffed Birds
larkken: Even in death, they eat your bum.
larkken: Brontosaur
larkken: Stalking Dinosaurs
larkken: CIMG2956
larkken: Do you ever wish "Night in the Museum" was real?
larkken: Tyrannosaur and Duck-Billed Dinosaur are Friends
larkken: CIMG2970
larkken: T. Rex
larkken: Attack of the Giant Squid
larkken: Shells I have collected
larkken: Diamonds Traveling Exhibit Sign
larkken: Amphibean Model
larkken: Dinosaur Model
larkken: Petrified Tree Section
larkken: Sea-Dinosaur Model
larkken: Dead Dinos from the Rear
larkken: CIMG3005
larkken: Dinosaur and bird-like dinosaur
larkken: Triceratops head
larkken: Fossil turtle being eaten
larkken: It will eat your head.
larkken: Fossil Mammoth
larkken: Look! It's the 'Nergy Hall!