larkken: Delphic Streets
larkken: Sunset Over the Gulf
larkken: Olive Groves on Parnassas
larkken: CIMG2143
larkken: More Cats
larkken: Delphic Cats
larkken: Medieval Brickwork
larkken: Omphalos
larkken: CIMG2196
larkken: Athenian Treasury
larkken: Sybilline Oracle and Delphic
larkken: Delphic Column
larkken: CIMG2199
larkken: Votive Permanance
larkken: Petitions & Thanks
larkken: Apollo temple from the front
larkken: Apollo temple from the West
larkken: drama
larkken: Temple Interior
larkken: Temple in October
larkken: Depth
larkken: To the valley floor
larkken: CIMG2267
larkken: Delphi Theater 2
larkken: Drainage
larkken: Circus
larkken: Shrine at Delphi
larkken: Apollo's Sanctuary from near Athena's
larkken: Gymnasium from the Road
larkken: View from one part of the sanctuary to the other