larigan.: On top of the world!
larigan.: Birds' eye view of Westminster Bridge
larigan.: The buoys of London
larigan.: Blackfriars Bridge
larigan.: St George Wharf
larigan.: Eye shadow
larigan.: Green Park, London
larigan.: The Shard
larigan.: The Shard reflected
larigan.: Charing Cross station
larigan.: Reflecting bus
larigan.: Intimacy
larigan.: Ribbing on the Thames
larigan.: Changing face of London
larigan.: Teetering on the brink!
larigan.: Scooter alley...
larigan.: Westminster Abbey
larigan.: The heart of the eye
larigan.: Millennium Bridge
larigan.: St Paul's Cathedral struggling to stay in the landscape
larigan.: Escape route
larigan.: St Paul's Cathedral
larigan.: Men in lycra!
larigan.: The Tower of London
larigan.: It's a small world!
larigan.: Through the foliage