www.kevinevans.com: 1907 Golden Gate, San Francisco
www.kevinevans.com: The "room of doors" & shower
www.kevinevans.com: Attic bedroom
www.kevinevans.com: 2nd attic bedroom
www.kevinevans.com: "Lounge world"
www.kevinevans.com: Main hall looking into P's old room (last few years)
www.kevinevans.com: Main hall before demolition
www.kevinevans.com: there was a sink over there!
www.kevinevans.com: looking into the room of doors
www.kevinevans.com: Pyramid room
www.kevinevans.com: stinky couch in lounge world
www.kevinevans.com: the old shower & toilet
www.kevinevans.com: shower/bath
www.kevinevans.com: bathroom off kitchen
www.kevinevans.com: front hall
www.kevinevans.com: Kitchen & the “wall of proust”
www.kevinevans.com: Front room/art studio