*Photofreaks*: Dahlien | Dahlia
*Photofreaks*: Dahlien | Dahlia
*Photofreaks*: Dahlien | Dahlia
*Photofreaks*: Dahlien | Dahlia
*Photofreaks*: Kulturrosen | Garden roses
*Photofreaks*: Kulturrosen | Garden roses
*Photofreaks*: Chin up, when the water's up to your neck.
*Photofreaks*: Fruchtstand einer Gewöhnlichen Mahonie | Infructescence of the Oregon grape
*Photofreaks*: Harvest
*Photofreaks*: How sweet to be a cloud. Floating in the blue!
*Photofreaks*: Morgendämmerung in der Heide | Dawn in the heathland
*Photofreaks*: The best things in life are free
*Photofreaks*: Es riecht nach Käse | It smells like cheese
*Photofreaks*: Museumshafen in Leer | Museum harbour in Leer, East Frisia, Germany
*Photofreaks*: Sonnenblume | Sunflower | Helianthus annuus)
*Photofreaks*: Westrup Heath | Haltern am See | NRW | Germany
*Photofreaks*: Westrup Heath | Haltern am See | NRW | Germany
*Photofreaks*: Westrup Heath | Haltern am See | NRW | Germany
*Photofreaks*: Westrup Heath | Haltern am See | NRW | Germany
*Photofreaks*: Kleiner Kohlweißling | Small cabbage white | Pieris rapae
*Photofreaks*: Eurasisches Eichhörnchen | Red Squirrel | Sciurus vulgaris
*Photofreaks*: Westrup Heath | Haltern am See | NRW | Germany
*Photofreaks*: Gemeine Herzmuschel | Common cockle | Cerastoderma edule
*Photofreaks*: Sea of Love
*Photofreaks*: Sonnenaufgang in der Westruper Heide | Sunrise in the Westrup heathlands
*Photofreaks*: Blumenwiese | Flower meadow
*Photofreaks*: Kamille | Camomile | Matricaria chamomilla
*Photofreaks*: Heidekraut | Erica
*Photofreaks*: Trichtermalve | Purple Spanish mallow | Malope trifida
*Photofreaks*: Rudbeckie | Rudbeckia