*Photofreaks*: Rotkehlchen | European robin | Erithacus rubecula
*Photofreaks*: Buchfink im Winter | Eurasian chaffinch in Winter | Fringilla coelebs
*Photofreaks*: Rotkehlchen | European robin | Erithacus rubecula
*Photofreaks*: Eurasisches Eichhörnchen | Red squirrel | Sciurus vulgaris
*Photofreaks*: Neues Rathaus München | New Town Hall Munich
*Photofreaks*: Saletalm | Königssee | Berchtesgaden | Bayern/Bavaria
*Photofreaks*: Kleiner Braunbrustigel | European hedgehog
*Photofreaks*: Frauenkirche in München | Frauenkirche in Munich
*Photofreaks*: Watzmannmassiv | Watzmann massif
*Photofreaks*: Bergfriedhof (mountain cemetery)
*Photofreaks*: Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Georg | Catholic parish church of St George
*Photofreaks*: Königssee | Berchtesgaden | Bavaria | Germany
*Photofreaks*: Neues Schloss Herrenchiemsee | New Herrenchiemsee Palace
*Photofreaks*: Königssee | Berchtesgaden | Bavaria | Germany
*Photofreaks*: Röthbachfall (Obersee | Königssee | Berchtesgaden | Bavaria))
*Photofreaks*: St. Bartholomew's Church | St. Bartholomä
*Photofreaks*: St. Bartholomew's Church | St. Bartholomä
*Photofreaks*: Tiroler Grauvieh | Tyrolean Grey
*Photofreaks*: Eine Bank in den Bergen | A bench in the mountains
*Photofreaks*: St. Bartholomew's Church | St. Bartholomä
*Photofreaks*: St. Bartholomew's Church | St. Bartholomä
*Photofreaks*: St. Bartholomew's Church | St. Bartholomä
*Photofreaks*: View from Hohensalzburg Fortress (Salzburg, Austria) to the south-east towards the Göll massif
*Photofreaks*: In a Bavarian beer garden on Lake Chiemsee
*Photofreaks*: View from Hohensalzburg Fortress, Austria
*Photofreaks*: Flood at Lake Chiemsee (Fraueninsel)
*Photofreaks*: Flood at Lake Chiemsee (Fraueninsel)
*Photofreaks*: Watzmann Ostwand | Watzmann East Face
*Photofreaks*: Königssee (Obersee)
*Photofreaks*: Westruper Heide | Haltern am See | NRW