Steffe: Andreas
zinzenfan: Pricision: Man vs Nature
Simon Caplan: Bean Twisted But Never Bitter
darklogan1: Anvil Racing.
vitaly stasov: Wild grape leaves..
Steffe: Autumn
Jan van der Wolf: Shadows of Palm Leaves
d0gwalker: blue shadow
Alistair Bennett: Blyth Harbour
frantisim: Potrait
Creekside Photog: Old Cats Love Young Birds
Jan van der Wolf: White building
frantisim: Street Portrait /Smoker/
TheWalkinMan: If you go into the woods today...
ian_taylor_photography: Street Barber (B&W)
John Bowno: The hat girl
maszup: lost traveller
Leon.vanKemenade: Flat and Angular Planes
florence.richerataux: JUPITER-37A-135mm f/3.5
Paul Brouns: Flight of Imagination
stefan.didon1: The blind dog.