Lara Mercer Photography: Sunset in Kingston, TN
Lara Mercer Photography: Radnor Lake, Nashville, TN
Lara Mercer Photography: Hey mom - who's that?
Lara Mercer Photography: Things that make you go humnnnn
Lara Mercer Photography: this my good side?
Lara Mercer Photography: I know it's down here somewhere!
Lara Mercer Photography: A different view of the "Batman tower"
Lara Mercer Photography: Outside the new symphony hall in Nashville
Lara Mercer Photography: Inside a Tobbaco Hut
Lara Mercer Photography: Christmas is coming......
Lara Mercer Photography: do you see what I see
Lara Mercer Photography: fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar
Lara Mercer Photography: Any idea what kind of flower this is?
Lara Mercer Photography: A park in Ashland City, Tenn
Lara Mercer Photography: Well... I like it
Lara Mercer Photography: Introducing Buddy the wonder dog!!
Lara Mercer Photography: Something out of Little House on the prarie
Lara Mercer Photography: A different view of Downtown Nashville
Lara Mercer Photography: something different!
Lara Mercer Photography: It's the man of the mountain!