veltalee: Back to the car, and the Kettle Chips
veltalee: I escaped returning with a hole in my heart.
veltalee: Gibson Beach, Point Lobos
veltalee: Hidden Beach, Point Lobos
veltalee: China Cove
veltalee: China Cove, Point Lobos
veltalee: amazing succulents
veltalee: the fog descends
veltalee: poppy
veltalee: curious
veltalee: unfathomable structure II
veltalee: unfathomable structure I
veltalee: hidey hole
veltalee: dangerous wildlife
veltalee: harbor seals!
veltalee: more seals!
veltalee: Love on the rocks
veltalee: looking down down down
veltalee: Point Lobos, Sea Lion Point
veltalee: doorway
veltalee: marble
veltalee: reprieve
veltalee: desperate measures
veltalee: sun and sand swept