Lara604: old lamp
Lara604: right out of the movies
Lara604: garden gate
Lara604: pretty grand garden
Lara604: Joey...future bride.
Lara604: Jessie
Lara604: carving
Lara604: floating plant in the fountain
Lara604: fountain detail
Lara604: fountain
Lara604: Joey
Lara604: oh that smile!
Lara604: the mansion
Lara604: fountain
Lara604: bricks in the garden
Lara604: arch
Lara604: sundial
Lara604: spooky sun dial
Lara604: woman statue
Lara604: garden monuments
Lara604: white garden gate
Lara604: Jessie and Joey surveying the area
Lara604: cutest shoes
Lara604: male statue
Lara604: spot for a romantic picture?
Lara604: gates open
Lara604: a little area
Lara604: antique street lamp
Lara604: dog with good posture
Lara604: walking around