Lara604: Amanita and Osiris
Lara604: Amanita and Osiris
Lara604: okay that's better, dance dance!
Lara604: I see some mulling!
Lara604: Amanita VS Osiris
Lara604: crazy dancefloor
Lara604: who are these weird people??
Lara604: Darren and Alex lookin' goooood.
Lara604: Deedrah
Lara604: Deedrah
Lara604: Deedrah
Lara604: Deedrah
Lara604: Deedrah
Lara604: Joe gettin' down in the middle
Lara604: Joe gettin' down in the middle
Lara604: Deedrah
Lara604: great outfits!
Lara604: crowded trance room
Lara604: I RAVE
Lara604: Kim and I
Lara604: Chris gets jiggy with it
Lara604: purple me in the crowd
Lara604: Katie, Indigo, Maja in the hat, and Barry
Lara604: Barry and Maja
Lara604: Jason and Tracy