Lara604: me at the house, pre funk!
Lara604: spektra
Lara604: spektra
Lara604: spektra
Lara604: DSCN7072
Lara604: lights and prayer flags
Lara604: Buddha
Lara604: old round light fixture on ceiling
Lara604: dj Crispy
Lara604: Crispy
Lara604: Amanita
Lara604: Amanita
Lara604: Amanita
Lara604: lasers and Amanita
Lara604: in the 2nd small room
Lara604: dj crispy
Lara604: Crispy
Lara604: DSCN7090
Lara604: DSCN7089
Lara604: there are no words
Lara604: DSCN7092
Lara604: DSCN7094
Lara604: DSCN7097
Lara604: DSCN7099
Lara604: DSCN7101
Lara604: Columbia City Theater logo on brick wall
Lara604: Darren and Lara (me)
Lara604: Lara (me) and Darren