Lara Gerken: Sun, light it up
Lara Gerken: Take a deep breath and jump?
Lara Gerken: In the middle of nowhere
Lara Gerken: The silence before the storm
Lara Gerken: You shine like the sun
Lara Gerken: Friendship memory
Lara Gerken: braids for the queen
Lara Gerken: Things do not change, we do.
Lara Gerken: When someone can make you see this broken world as beautiful, they're worth keeping around
Lara Gerken: Glitters in the air
Lara Gerken: I guess you could say that my life is a mess, but I'm still looking pretty in this dress
Lara Gerken: Kuntergraudunkelbunt
Lara Gerken: I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin
Lara Gerken: Darling the sun is going down
Lara Gerken: Swinging in the backyard
Lara Gerken: Tonight we set the world on fire
Lara Gerken: Because things change, people leave, and life doesn’t stop for anyone.
Lara Gerken: Keep your head up
Lara Gerken: Begin again
Lara Gerken: So pretty, so smart, such a waste of a young heart
Lara Gerken: And we danced
Lara Gerken: golden waterfall
Lara Gerken: Otherside
Lara Gerken: In the end of the day you're still my friend
Lara Gerken: looking for spring
Lara Gerken: Somewhere in the middle of snow
Lara Gerken: Get the hair out of the way
Lara Gerken: why isn’t a group of kangaroos called a kangacrew
Lara Gerken: bring a little color into my day