Lapscause: Room lady No. 1
Lapscause: N. and S., new aprons
Lapscause: C., presenting my most beautiful apron
Lapscause: black and white
Lapscause: Happy cake
Lapscause: magic view
Lapscause: Mme. B.
Lapscause: P1030303
Lapscause: say hello
Lapscause: transparent apron
Lapscause: fashion show
Lapscause: S 2 with curlers
Lapscause: group II
Lapscause: group IV and V
Lapscause: fashion show III
Lapscause: black apron with flowers
Lapscause: modern, transparent bureau plastic apron
Lapscause: presenting the yellow apron
Lapscause: Double apron
Lapscause: Fashion show aprons
Lapscause: three beauties in a hairdressing salon
Lapscause: N. working in her hairdressing salon
Lapscause: transparant apron
Lapscause: fashion show - aprons
Lapscause: the two beauties
Lapscause: N. and S. in their hairdressing saloon
Lapscause: camp david
Lapscause: apron: schoensauberbleiben
Lapscause: N. modelling a stylist apron
Lapscause: Look in the mirror