Lapscause: R. looking @ her handy
Lapscause: smoke against tears
Lapscause: Mustermix
Lapscause: Mustermix
Lapscause: R., pensative
Lapscause: R., wrong arm
Lapscause: me and R
Lapscause: Oh happy meal!
Lapscause: R., with flower apron
Lapscause: Und ewig lockt das Weib
Lapscause: R., sleeping
Lapscause: Me and R.
Lapscause: R. drying her hair
Lapscause: R., working @ computer
Lapscause: R., with new dress
Lapscause: new T shirt
Lapscause: Cadeaux
Lapscause: Thirsty
Lapscause: R. cutting the vegetable
Lapscause: me and R.
Lapscause: R., combing her hair
Lapscause: Laughing
Lapscause: Look in the mirror
Lapscause: R., with curlers
Lapscause: Auf die neue Wohnung von Laps
Lapscause: Champagne
Lapscause: R., hat schon wieder Hunger
Lapscause: R. smiling
Lapscause: R. vor dem Spiegel
Lapscause: me and R.