lapie: Brian and Brenna
lapie: The Three Shades
lapie: Lobby, Cantor Arts Center
lapie: Soft Inverted Q
lapie: Bust of Jean d'Aire (after Auguste Rodin)
lapie: Monument to Balzac
lapie: The Burghers of Calais
lapie: Detail from The Gates of Hell
lapie: Monumental Head of Pierre de Wiessant
lapie: The Gates of Hell
lapie: Rodin Sculpture Garden
lapie: A beautiful machine
lapie: Closeup of the Difference Engine #2 (back view)
lapie: Saturday afternoon demo of the Difference Engine #2
lapie: Calculators
lapie: Core dump!
lapie: A closer look at SAGE
lapie: SAGE, again
lapie: The Johnniac
lapie: The Johnniac
lapie: Something else I used in school
lapie: UNIX as a museum piece
lapie: A nod to computer graphics
lapie: Sun Workstation
lapie: Difference Engine #2, closer view of the printer
lapie: Difference Engine #2, front view
lapie: Difference Engine #2, side view
lapie: Difference Engine #2, the printing end
lapie: The Difference Engine in action
lapie: It talks!