lapie: Sunset at White Sands
lapie: Sunset at White Sands
lapie: Ants on the dunes
lapie: Near sunset
lapie: More animal tracks in the dunes
lapie: Animal tracks in the dunes
lapie: Vegetated area
lapie: Pedestal
lapie: On the Sunset Stroll
lapie: Road sign for White Sands
lapie: Sign says it all
lapie: Mormon handcart
lapie: White Coyote Cafe
lapie: View from the Eagle Scout Deck
lapie: View from the Eagle Scout Deck
lapie: View from the Eagle Scout Deck
lapie: View from the Flight Deck
lapie: View from the Flight Deck
lapie: View from the Flight Deck
lapie: View from the Flight Deck
lapie: View from the Flight Deck
lapie: View from the Flight Deck
lapie: View from the Flight Deck
lapie: View from the Flight Deck
lapie: Fallow field
lapie: Farm Loop
lapie: Looking towards the Rio Grande
lapie: In the channel
lapie: Channel
lapie: End of Marsh Loop