lapie: 3:00 PM on the Embarcadero
lapie: 2:58 PM on the Embarcadero
lapie: Chinatown, San Francisco
lapie: Chinatown, San Francisco
lapie: Chinatown, San Francisco
lapie: Chinatown, San Francisco
lapie: Rays and fish
lapie: California Academy of Sciences
lapie: Black Lechwe
lapie: Bumper cars
lapie: Underneath the Rainforest
lapie: Inside the Rainforest exhibit
lapie: Bromeliad
lapie: Giant owl butterflies
lapie: Sapho longwing butterfly
lapie: Giant owl butterfly
lapie: Sapho and zebra longwing butterflies
lapie: Inside the Rainforest exhibit
lapie: Zebra longwing butterfly
lapie: Hecale longwing butterflies
lapie: Hecale longwing butterflies
lapie: Green basilisk
lapie: Inside the Rainforest exhibit
lapie: Inside the Rainforest exhibit
lapie: Gold dust day gecko
lapie: Geckos
lapie: Sambava tomato frog
lapie: Ghost praying mantis
lapie: Giant owl butterflies
lapie: Birds