Ann Gennaria: Looking down Minnesota Ave, Kansas City, KS
Ann Gennaria: Kansas City, MO skyline
Ann Gennaria: Building located in "The Bottoms"
Ann Gennaria: Building located in "The Bottoms"
Ann Gennaria: Flood height marker on a building in the Bottoms
Ann Gennaria: Building located in "The Bottoms"
Ann Gennaria: Fire Escape in the Bottoms
Ann Gennaria: Jerry Woodsweather Cafe
Ann Gennaria: Surplus Exchange in "The Bottoms"
Ann Gennaria: Can't tell what's coming or going
Ann Gennaria: Some very large gears
Ann Gennaria: new and old
Ann Gennaria: Late evening rainbow
Ann Gennaria: One way outta here...
Ann Gennaria: Another way outta here
Ann Gennaria: Limestone meets cinder block
Ann Gennaria: Vent shaft
Ann Gennaria: Vent shaft
Ann Gennaria: Cave ceiling
Ann Gennaria: Printer Mines?
Ann Gennaria: Unwanted ruble
Ann Gennaria: Hmmm, wonder what ripped its way outta here?
Ann Gennaria: Found thses in the dark parts of the caves
Ann Gennaria: Try coming across this in the dark
Ann Gennaria: The sign says in, but noone was in...
Ann Gennaria: Old building on wheels in Caves
Ann Gennaria: Gloomy day to fly?
Ann Gennaria: Sunrise at work
Ann Gennaria: Moon behind the trees.
Ann Gennaria: Railroad bridge