ChineseLaowai: And Now, Part II
ChineseLaowai: Rain... that's a good sign right?
ChineseLaowai: excuse me....
ChineseLaowai: I can see your belly!
ChineseLaowai: Always Follow The SIgns
ChineseLaowai: Black Brick Road
ChineseLaowai: Around the corner
ChineseLaowai: Yeah Right
ChineseLaowai: People!
ChineseLaowai: Trees Are Green!
ChineseLaowai: Foilage?
ChineseLaowai: Like Green but... More!
ChineseLaowai: The Valley... OF DEATH!
ChineseLaowai: Corners...
ChineseLaowai: It's Quiet
ChineseLaowai: MATH BREAK!
ChineseLaowai: Green Death
ChineseLaowai: Tears of the Mountain
ChineseLaowai: Flowing
ChineseLaowai: Waterfall
ChineseLaowai: A Tree... OF DEATH!
ChineseLaowai: Wow....
ChineseLaowai: The Wall of Love