Benjamin M. Clock:
Recording in the ADK's
Benjamin M. Clock:
Muckrace 2006, Cornell team 1
Benjamin M. Clock:
Cornell Muckracers in 2006
Benjamin M. Clock:
Cornell Muckracers 2005
Benjamin M. Clock:
Muckrace scouting, 2005
Benjamin M. Clock:
Scoping the Vermont Black-tailed Gull
Benjamin M. Clock:
Recording at Lake Junin, Peru
Benjamin M. Clock:
Recording at El Sumidero, Chiapas, MX
Benjamin M. Clock:
Heading from Veracruz to Tuxtla Guitierrez
Benjamin M. Clock:
Ben&Jim in Pacific
Benjamin M. Clock:
Gerrit and Mike on Kougarok road
Benjamin M. Clock:
Larry filming tundra wildflowers
Benjamin M. Clock:
Larry and the Wheatear
Benjamin M. Clock:
Packing up after a night with the Red Knot
Benjamin M. Clock:
Clock and Vyn in the bayou
Benjamin M. Clock:
Vyn and the IBWO
Benjamin M. Clock:
Ted Parker in Bolivia - 1992
Benjamin M. Clock:
Alaska 2007