LanieB1966: Sculpture of the American Flag
LanieB1966: First statue of Washington
LanieB1966: Some first lady posessions
LanieB1966: Former first lady's dress
LanieB1966: portraits of the McKinley's
LanieB1966: Laura Bush's dress
LanieB1966: Another former first lady's dress
LanieB1966: Re-enacter
LanieB1966: Dumbo ride from Disney
LanieB1966: Archie and Edith's chairs
LanieB1966: Kermit
LanieB1966: Oscar
LanieB1966: Movie poster
LanieB1966: Lincoln's formal wear
LanieB1966: Nixon
LanieB1966: Pajamas
LanieB1966: Presenter
LanieB1966: Pacific campaign
LanieB1966: Washington Bust
LanieB1966: Indian artifacts
LanieB1966: Custer's coat
LanieB1966: WWII poster
LanieB1966: Rosie the riviter
LanieB1966: Military display
LanieB1966: Wounded soldier
LanieB1966: Part of the Berlin Wall
LanieB1966: Parts of the World Trade Towers
LanieB1966: Medal of Honor Wall
LanieB1966: Medal of honor
LanieB1966: Medals