LanieB1966: Alter at Washington's Church
LanieB1966: Bumble bee and daffodil
LanieB1966: Inside the courtyard
LanieB1966: Image in the window
LanieB1966: Hyacynth flower
LanieB1966: Grazing in the field
LanieB1966: Fenceline
LanieB1966: Paraglider
LanieB1966: Ornate wall near alter
LanieB1966: Outside of the church
LanieB1966: Looking out of a window
LanieB1966: White flowering tree
LanieB1966: Looking at me
LanieB1966: Two in the field
LanieB1966: Just hold still they're looking at us
LanieB1966: Rudimentary Fence
LanieB1966: Looks like Hogwarts
LanieB1966: Looking in from the outside