A Shady Sort of Grace:
Along the drive south to Tel Hazor
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Road leading to Tel Hazor
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Road leading to Tel Hazor
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Tel Hazor World Heritage Site info
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Tel Hazor & Canaanite Hazor info
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Israelite Hazor info
A Shady Sort of Grace:
'Solomonic Gate' info
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Entrance through 'Solomonic Gate'
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Entrance through 'Solomonic Gate'
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Cultic stele & basalt of a Canaanite temple under the gate
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Inside 'Solomonic Gate'
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Inside 'Solomonic Gate'
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Walkway over ruins inside 'Solomonic Gate' towards Canaanite Palace
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Alleged ruins of Palace of Ibni-Addu
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Alleged ruins of Palace of Ibni-Addu behind the Gate
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Northwestern inside wall of 'Solomonic Gate'
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Alleged ruins of Palace of Ibni-Addu
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Alleged ruins of Palace of Ibni-Addu
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Alleged ruins of Palace of Ibni-Addu
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Outer wall of Palace of the Canaanite Kings
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Alleged ruins of Palace of Ibni-Addu
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Alleged ruins of Palace of Ibni-Addu
A Shady Sort of Grace:
East entrance to Palace of the Canaanite Kings
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Palace of the Canaanite Kings info
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Southern courtyard outside Palace
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Bamah outside eastern entrance in Palace courtyard
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Throne room inside Palace
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Throne room inside Palace
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Throne room inside Palace
A Shady Sort of Grace:
Side room inside Palace